What will happen when we move vertically upwards the earth?

when we move vertically upwards the eartth because the gravitational force incresase and it exerts pressure on the earth ,


When you move vertically upwards from the surface of the Earth, several things will happen:

1. Gravity: As you move further away from the Earth's surface, the gravitational pull decreases. This means that you will experience a decrease in your weight as you move upwards. However, since the Earth's gravitational field extends far into space, you will not fully escape gravity's influence unless you reach a sufficient distance from the Earth.

2. Atmospheric Pressure: As you ascend, the atmospheric pressure decreases. The Earth's atmosphere is composed of layers of gases, and as you move higher, the density of these layers decreases. This decrease in atmospheric pressure can result in effects such as changes in temperature, difficulty in breathing due to reduced oxygen levels, and the need for protective gear like spacesuits or oxygen masks.

3. Temperature and Climate: The temperature also changes as you move vertically upwards. In the troposphere, which is the lowest layer of the atmosphere, the temperature usually decreases with altitude. However, in the upper layers of the atmosphere such as the stratosphere and thermosphere, the temperature can increase due to various factors like the absorption of solar radiation.

4. Atmospheric Composition: The composition of the atmosphere changes with altitude. The troposphere contains the majority of the Earth's breathable air and various weather phenomena. As you move higher, you enter the stratosphere, where you'll find the ozone layer that absorbs the majority of the Sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. Above the stratosphere, the atmosphere becomes progressively thinner until it merges with the vacuum of space.

5. Visual Perspective: As you ascend, the perspective of the Earth and the surrounding environment could change. You might see a larger portion of the Earth, gaining a broader view of landscapes, the curvature of the planet, and potentially other celestial bodies depending on your location and altitude.

To experience these changes yourself, you can explore high-altitude locations on Earth, fly in aircraft that reach high altitudes, or venture into space with the help of spacecraft designed for human travel.

The air gets thinner and colder.