It is common for a Baroque piece of music to

A. slow down and speed up.
B. remain constant in tempo.*****
C. limit the amount of chords used.
D. be performed mainly on brass instruments.

Which of the following is true about Baroque music?
A. It has long movements.
B. It takes the listener through a journey of emotions.
C. It tends to be focused on a single emotional state***
D. It has crescendos and diminuendos.

When writing a continuo, only the _____line is written.
A. soprano
B. tenor****
C. alto
D. bass

Baroque opera was modeled after
A. traditional Japanese dances.
B. plays about the British monarchy.
C. lost styles of Greek drama****
D. Russian folk dances.

Actually if your in connections academy, it does show the right answers. Its shown with (1 pt) or what ever the question is worth. Btw here are the answers.

1. A
2. C
3. D
4. C

Your welcome! ; )

She is right Thanks

And did anyone notice that the Answers (A,C,D,C) was like a name of a rock Band? 😂

1. slow down and speed up

2. it tends to be focused on a single emotional state
3. bass
4. lost style of greek drama
your welcome and letters aren't always right remember that (not saying the ones here are wrong just saying)

Thanks Woopy Doop!!

Woopy Doop is correct

this was so wrong I got a 50

it doesn't tell me the right answers but he got 2 and 4 right


Woopy Doop is correct if you're in connexus

never mind its right, the teacher might be a fan

Woopy doop is correct for Connextions Academy 100%