A grapefruit is 8% heavier than an orange, and an apple is 10% lighter than the orange.

By what percentage is the apple lighter than the grapefruit?

Heavier = 20%

Lighter = 16 2/3 %

It's 20%

it's 16 2/3

Heavier = 20%

Lighter = 16 2/3 %

The answer is 16 2/3

100 - 83.333... = 16.666...

Thanks so much


Hence, the grapefruit is 20% heavier than the apple.

Step-by-step explanation:
Let the weight of orange be x.

This means that the weight of grapefruit is:


( Since grapefruit is: 8% heavier than orange )

Also, the weight of apple is 10% lighter than apple.

This means that the weight of apple is: 0.90 x

Hence, the percent change in the weight of grapefruit as compared to apple is calculated by:

            Hope this helps!

I do RSM and the correct answer is 20%


The answer is 20