the position vectors of the head and tail of radius vectors are 2i+j+k and 2i-3j+k. the linear momomentum is 2i+3j+k. the angular momentum is


To find the angular momentum, we need to find the cross product of the position vector and the linear momentum.

The formula for the cross product of two vectors A and B is given by:
A × B = (Ay * Bz - Az * By)i + (Az * Bx - Ax * Bz)j + (Ax * By - Ay * Bx)k

Given that the position vector of the head of the radius vector is 2i + j + k and the linear momentum is 2i + 3j + k, we can calculate the cross product:

(2 * (2) - (1) * (3))i + ((1) * (1) - (2) * (2))j + ((2) * (3) - (2) * (1))k
= 4i - 3j + 4k

So, the angular momentum is 4i - 3j + 4k.

To find the angular momentum, we need to calculate the cross product of the position vector and the linear momentum.

Angular momentum = r x p

Position vector of the head of the radius vector, r1 = 2i + j + k
Position vector of the tail of the radius vector, r2 = 2i - 3j + k
Linear momentum, p = 2i + 3j + k

First, let's find the vector representing the radius vector, r.

r = r1 - r2
= (2i + j + k) - (2i - 3j + k)
= 2i + j + k - 2i + 3j - k
= i + 4j

Now, we can calculate the cross product of the radius vector and the linear momentum:

Angular momentum = r x p
= (i + 4j) x (2i + 3j + k)
= (1 * (3j) - 4j * (k)) i + (1 * (2i) - i * (k)) j + ((i * (4j) - (1 * (2i))) k)
= -4j - 2i - 2k

Therefore, the angular momentum is -2i - 4j - 2k.