A cold front moves through your hometown in January, dropping the temperature an average of 3 F per day for 5 days. Write an expression that uses multiplication to describe the changes in temperature from the start to the end.

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5 * 3 = ?

is that 5x3 or 5 to the third power?

5 times 3

* is used as a multiplication symbol on line.

To describe the changes in temperature from the start to the end, we need to calculate the total drop in temperature over the 5-day period. The average drop in temperature per day is given as 3°F.

To calculate the total change in temperature, we can multiply the average drop per day (3°F) by the number of days (5).

The expression that uses multiplication to describe the changes in temperature is:

Average drop per day (3°F) * Number of days (5)

So, the expression is:

3 * 5

Simplifying this expression, we get:


Therefore, the expression that describes the changes in temperature from the start to the end is 15°F.