Residents of a small city voted on whether to allow a developer to build a shopping center. The number of voters in favor of the shopping center was 4,400. The number of voters against the shopping center was 17,600. What percent of voters were in favor of building the shopping center?

(4400/(4400+17,600)) * 100% = 20%.

To determine the percentage of voters in favor of building the shopping center, you need to calculate the proportion of voters who voted in favor out of the total number of voters.

Step 1: Find the total number of voters.
The total number of voters is the sum of those in favor and those against the shopping center.
Total number of voters = Voters in favor + Voters against
Total number of voters = 4,400 + 17,600
Total number of voters = 22,000

Step 2: Calculate the percentage.
To find the percentage, divide the number of voters in favor by the total number of voters and multiply by 100.
Percentage = (Voters in favor / Total number of voters) x 100
Percentage = (4,400 / 22,000) x 100
Percentage = 0.2 x 100
Percentage = 20%

Therefore, 20% of the voters were in favor of building the shopping center.