How do you think slavery influenced the evolution of both Black and White America today?

Think about the degradation of one person "owning" another human being. The slave owner assumes s/he is superior. The slave assumes s/he is inferior. For many people those attitudes aren't erased, even after several generations. We learn from our parents and in turn teach our children what we've learned.

What attitudes and problems of today can you tie in with slavery?

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Slavery had a profound and lasting impact on both Black and White America, shaping many attitudes and problems that persist to this day. Here are some ways in which slavery influenced the evolution of both:

1. Racial Inequality: Slavery entrenched the notion of racial superiority and inferiority, with White slave owners considering themselves superior to their Black slaves. This belief system continued even after the abolition of slavery, leading to entrenched racial inequality that still exists in areas such as wealth, education, employment, and criminal justice.

2. Systemic Racism: Slavery laid the foundation for systemic racism, as laws and policies were put in place to control and oppress Black people even after emancipation. This includes Jim Crow laws, segregation, and discriminatory practices that limited the opportunities available to Black Americans.

3. Intergenerational Trauma: The trauma experienced by enslaved Black people has been passed down through generations, resulting in ongoing psychological and emotional effects. This trauma can contribute to issues such as mental health disparities, high levels of stress, and a sense of collective struggle within Black communities.

4. Cultural Identity and Resilience: Despite the efforts to dehumanize enslaved individuals, they managed to preserve their cultural traditions, languages, and spiritual practices. This resilience and cultural identity have played a crucial role in shaping Black America, providing a sense of unity and pride despite the many challenges faced.

5. White Privilege: Slavery created a system where White Americans, even those who were not slave owners, benefited from the subjugation of Black people. This privilege continues to exist today, as White Americans generally have more access to resources, opportunities, and societal benefits.

It is important to note that these are just a few examples of the ways in which slavery influenced the evolution of both Black and White America. The topic is complex and multifaceted, and further exploration of historical documents, scholarly research, and personal narratives can provide deeper insights into the lasting impact of slavery.