Find the area of the circle. Use 3.14 for pi . Round to the nearest unit. (1 point)

1,017 cm
254 cm
57 cm
28 cm

Radius is a Circle with a full line 18 cm

To find the area of a circle, you can use the formula A = πr^2, where A is the area and r is the radius.

Given the options provided, it seems like the radius is missing. To calculate the area, we need the radius of the circle.

To find the area of a circle, you can use the formula A = πr^2, where A represents the area and r represents the radius of the circle.

Given that the options provided are in centimeters (cm), we need to determine the radius of the circle that corresponds to each given option.

To do this, we can use the formula for circumference, C = 2πr, where C represents the circumference.

Let's calculate the radius for each option:

1) For a circumference of 1,017 cm:
C = 2πr
1,017 = 2πr
Divide both sides by 2π:
r = 1,017 / (2 * 3.14)
r ≈ 162 cm

2) For a circumference of 254 cm:
C = 2πr
254 = 2πr
Divide both sides by 2π:
r = 254 / (2 * 3.14)
r ≈ 40.58 cm

3) For a circumference of 57 cm:
C = 2πr
57 = 2πr
Divide both sides by 2π:
r = 57 / (2 * 3.14)
r ≈ 9.09 cm

4) For a circumference of 28 cm:
C = 2πr
28 = 2πr
Divide both sides by 2π:
r = 28 / (2 * 3.14)
r ≈ 4.47 cm

Now that we have determined the radius for each option, let's calculate the area using the formula A = πr^2:

1) For a radius of 162 cm:
A = 3.14 * (162)^2
A ≈ 82,507 cm^2

2) For a radius of 40.58 cm:
A = 3.14 * (40.58)^2
A ≈ 5,186 cm^2

3) For a radius of 9.09 cm:
A = 3.14 * (9.09)^2
A ≈ 259 cm^2

4) For a radius of 4.47 cm:
A = 3.14 * (4.47)^2
A ≈ 63 cm^2

Now, rounding each area to the nearest unit, we get:

1) 82,507 cm^2 ≈ 82,507 cm^2
2) 5,186 cm^2 ≈ 5,186 cm^2
3) 259 cm^2 ≈ 259 cm^2
4) 63 cm^2 ≈ 63 cm^2

Therefore, the answer is 57 cm, as it has the closest area to a whole unit.

gotta have the radius.