Given the following reaction:

4 KO2 + 2 H2O + 4 CO2 ==> 4 KHCO3 + 3 O2
How many moles of O2 will be produced if 2.46 moles of CO2 react completely? moles

The equation tells us that 4 mols CO2 will produce 3 mols O2. So,

4 mols CO2 will produce 3 mols O2.
2 mols CO2 will produce 1-1/2 mols O2.
1 mol CO2 will produce 3/4 mol O2.
So 2.46 mol CO2 will produce ?? mol O2.


To determine the number of moles of O2 produced when 2.46 moles of CO2 react completely, we first need to use the stoichiometric coefficients in the balanced chemical equation.

Looking at the balanced equation:
4 KO2 + 2 H2O + 4 CO2 → 4 KHCO3 + 3 O2

We can see that for every 4 moles of CO2 reacted, 3 moles of O2 are produced. This ratio of moles is expressed by the stoichiometric coefficient.

To solve the problem, set up a proportion:

(3 moles O2 / 4 moles CO2) = (x moles O2 / 2.46 moles CO2)

Cross-multiplying the equation, we get:
3 moles O2 * 2.46 moles CO2 = 4 moles CO2 * x moles O2

7.38 moles O2 = 4 moles CO2 * x moles O2

Dividing both sides by 4 moles CO2, we find:
x moles O2 = 7.38 moles O2 / 4 moles CO2

x moles O2 = 1.845 moles O2

Therefore, 2.46 moles of CO2 would react completely to produce 1.845 moles of O2.