The difference of two numbers is 72 and their quotient is 10. What are the 2 numbers?

answer 80 and 8

(X + 72) / X = 10
X + 72 = 10 X
72 = 10 X - X
72 = 9 X
X = 72 / 9
X = 8
72 + 8 = 80
80 - 8 = 72
80 / 8 = 10

Its 80 and 8

80 and 8 lol

Bruh its 80 and 8

80 and 8

Hunter, it can't be 80 and 10. The difference is 72 and their quotient is 10 therefor, the answer is 80 and 8.

The answer is 80 and 8.

its 80 and 8

The answer is 80 and 8

two numbers that subtract to 72 and divides by 10 is 80 and 8

thanks for the answer not

what tf

sharon is a saint thx sharon


look it up that's what I did๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

first of all it is not 10

it did not help "baddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


80 and 8

its not 80 and 8 rewind the time it is ba ba boi

i dont know but i will just say 80 and 10

The quotient of two numbers is 2. Their product is 72. What are the two numbers?

its not 80 and 8 the question is 72 to 10 oink

or 80 and 10

What is the difference of two numbers is 72 and their quotient is 10?

I know something bout ur mom is that she is so fat she cannot fit through the door

it's 80 and 10 person

You suck, and swallow

thx sharon

Iโ€™m in year 6 now and do not understand x and y stuff so can u explain it a different way?


what do you mean bro bro

8705 Colesville Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20910 if you hate jake paul their his house number im logan paul

x-y = 72

x/y = 10
x-y = 72
x = 10y


