A container is decorated with images of Egyptian gods and placed inside a tomb. What is the likely function of this object, given what you know about Egyptian culture?

A. This container was probably designed to protect the internal organs of the dead during mummification. (I think it might be this)
B. This container contained messages from the dead person’s family.
C. The container held the ashes of the deceased.
D. This container was the dead person's favorite belongings. (I think it could possibly be this one.)

A is correct for that one.

The World of Art Quiz:
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. D

Megan was right

Megan was right. I got a 10/10

megan was right i got 10/10

thank you

Thanks Megan! You helped me I was overdue on my lessons and I needed to get them done.

Thanks megan

Thx megan I got a 100%

100 percent

Thanks I got it right Morgan :)

100% for connexus students

megan your awsome

Thank you Megan, You are very nice to do that for our fellow students.


I don't know yet since it said "Responses saved." But okay.

Thanks Megan!!! <33


Thank you sososososososoooo much Megan!! I don't like art and I don't understand all the stuff so thank you this really helped me

MEGAN you are the best thx so so so so so so so much.

Yes, it could be either of your choices. But I know that a container always held the internal organs. I'm not sure if all mummies had favorite things interred with them.

Ok, I will go with A. Thank you!

You're welcome.

i got the same thing like regan.... idk yet tho

im gon sue if it is wrong


thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx megan

Megan..... YOU ARE THE BEST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much Megan is right and she got my b- to an a+ thank youuu