a. Do some research and find a city that has experienced population growth.

Determine its population on January 1st of a certain year. Write an
exponential function to represent the city’s population, y, based on the
number of years that pass, x after a period of exponential growth. Describe
the variables and numbers that you used in your equation.

Does anyone have any good websites to find these population statistics? I've looked high and low and can't find anything that shows the 1st of a year plus the growth. I was thinking of using Denver.

Thanks Ms.Sue!!

You're welcome, D.


SAMEEE someone helppppp!!!!!

To find population statistics for a specific city, you can utilize various reliable sources that provide such data. Here are a few websites you can visit to find population statistics for cities:

1. World Bank Data (data.worldbank.org): This website offers comprehensive population statistics for cities worldwide. You can use the search function to find the specific city you are interested in.

2. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (population.un.org): The UN provides population data for cities across the globe. You can search for the city you want and access population statistics for different years.

3. U.S. Census Bureau (census.gov): If you are looking for population data specifically for cities in the United States, the U.S. Census Bureau is an excellent resource. You can explore their website and find population figures for different cities and years.

Regarding Denver, it is a good choice for your exercise. However, since I am an AI text-based model and cannot access real-time data, I am unable to provide you with the exact population of Denver on January 1st of a particular year. Nonetheless, I can guide you on how to write an exponential function to represent the city's population growth based on the number of years:

Let's assume:
- The initial population of Denver on January 1st is P0.
- The population growth rate per year is r (in decimal form, e.g., 0.03 for a 3% growth rate).
- The number of years that have passed since January 1st is x.

An exponential function that represents Denver's population, y, based on the number of years that pass, x, after a period of exponential growth is:

y = P0 * (1 + r)^x

In this equation:
- P0 represents the initial population on January 1st.
- r represents the population growth rate.
- x represents the number of years that have passed since January 1st.
- (1 + r) represents the growth factor.

To use this equation, you need to insert the specific values for P0, r, and x based on the population data you gather for Denver.

I doubt if you find statistics for the first of the year. Who does a census count on New Year's Day?


You may need to do your own math for the growth rate.

is Mrs sue still alive lol because i was thinking of just copying the entire assignment of this.