reasons for being agains southern secession???

There could be several reasons why some people may be against southern secession. While I cannot have personal opinions as an AI, I can provide you with some possible reasons based on historical context and different perspectives:

1. Preservation of the Union: One of the primary reasons for opposing secession is the desire to maintain the unity of the country. Many believe that secession undermines the principles of democracy, shared values, and the strength of a unified nation.

2. Economic Impact: Secession can have significant economic consequences. The southern states were economically intertwined with the rest of the United States, especially in terms of trade, industry, and agriculture. Opponents of southern secession may argue that breaking away would lead to economic instability and hinder the overall progress and prosperity of the region.

3. Slavery and Human Rights: The issue of slavery played a central role in the tensions that ultimately led to southern secession in the American Civil War. Those against secession may have been motivated by a desire to combat slavery and champion human rights. They saw the Union as a vehicle for the abolition of slavery and believed that secession would only perpetuate the injustices associated with this institution.

4. Constitutional considerations: Opponents of secession may argue that the Confederate states did not have a legal right to secede under the United States Constitution. They may contend that secession is unconstitutional and undermines the rule of law.

It's important to note that these reasons are not exhaustive, and the opinions surrounding the issue of southern secession were quite diverse during that time. Different people had varying viewpoints based on their experiences, values, and political ideologies.