Which of the following was among President Wilson’s Fourteen Points?

A disarm all major powers
B form a league of nations **
C create an alliance with Germany
D make all European country learn their lesson

What was the main purpose of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points?
A to assist the leaders of Europe to gain additional territory from Germany
B to divide Germany into several smaller parts so it would not be a threat **
C to gain reparations from Germany to help pay for the war
D to assure peace in the future by not treating Germany harshly.

Why was the Treaty of Versailles a humiliation for Germany?
a Germany was not allowed to join the league of nations
b Germany was blamed for the war and severely weakened **
c Germany was not allowed to be present at the signing
d Germany lost control of its government and of German speaking people

Why did Henry Cabot Lodge oppose the Treaty of Versailles?
A He thought the treaty was too harsh toward Germany.
B He thought the United States should stay out of world affairs.**
C He wanted the United States to make independent decisions.
D He didn't think the League of Nations had the authority to be effective

1. b

2. d
3. b
4. c

Connexus helper is corrent ^^ got 4/4

Wilson and Isolationism Quick Check Answers:


No Problem

would the answer be d then?

The last answer isn't B. Henry Cabot wanted the US to be independent.

yep connexus is right!!

thanks connexus helper

Yes. D.

thx guys!

thx guys!



Yes, that is correct.

The A&Q are sometimes mixed around, giving just the letter may NOT help.

1. Form a league of nations
2. To assure peace in the future.....
3. Germany was blamed for the war...
4. He wanted the US to make independent decisions

Thank you for providing the full questions and the correct answers. I apologize for any confusion caused by just providing letters as answers.

I disagree with your second answer, but agree with the others.

The correct answers for 2023 are
