Points A and C on a map are 12 km apart if you follow a certain path. A troop of Boy Scouts leaves Point A at 11:00 a.m. They travel 3 km/hr because they have heavy packs until they reach Point B at 12:45. If they want to reach Point C by 2:00, how fast will they have to go in km/hr?

11:00 - 12:45 is 1 3/4 or 7/4 hours.

At 3 km/hr, that means they went

3 * 7/4 = 21/4 km
The remaining distance is thus 12 - 21/4 = 25/4 km

They only have 5/4 hrs left, so since speed = distance/time, they must travel at

(25/4)km / (5/4)hr = 5 km/hr

Sure hope they ate all their food to lighten their packs ...

is dat china

12 - 21/4 = 27/4

(27/4)km / (5/4)hr = 5.4km/hr

Final answer is 5.4km/hr


What's the team average speed from point a to c

To find out how fast the Boy Scouts need to travel in km/hr to reach Point C by 2:00, we need to calculate the remaining distance between Point B and Point C and divide it by the remaining time.

First, we find the distance traveled by the Boy Scouts from Point A to Point B. The time they took is 12:45 - 11:00 = 1 hour and 45 minutes, or 1.75 hours. Since they travel at a speed of 3 km/hr, the distance from Point A to Point B is 1.75 hours * 3 km/hr = 5.25 km.

The remaining distance from Point B to Point C is the total distance between A and C (12 km) minus the distance already traveled (5.25 km), which is 12 km - 5.25 km = 6.75 km.

The remaining time from 12:45 to 2:00 is 2:00 - 12:45 = 1 hour and 15 minutes, or 1.25 hours.

To find the required speed, we divide the remaining distance by the remaining time: 6.75 km / 1.25 hours = 5.4 km/hr.

Therefore, in order to reach Point C by 2:00, the Boy Scouts need to travel at a speed of approximately 5.4 km/hr.