A many Mass 90kg is moving at a constant velocity,he has kinetic energy of 2205j.calculate his velocity



help me

A man of mass 90 is moving at a constant velocity He has kinetic energy of 2205 calculate his velocity

I said find the workings and answer to the question

K.E = 1/2 MV²

K.E =2205
2205 = 1/2 * 90 = 45
2205 /45 = 49m/s²

K.E = 1/2 MV²

K.E = 2205
2205 = 1/2 *90 =45
2205/45 = 49
V² =49 square root
V = 7

Ke = (1/2) m v^2

(1/2) (90) v^2 = 2205

I said you should help me to find or solve the question that l asked you.

Please solve it

Pls I need a response to my question

KE=(1/2) mv^2

(1/2) (90) v^2=2205
KE =1/2 *90 =45
2205 /45 = 49

Pls is this the answer 2205÷45 =49