For what value of y must LMNP be a​ parallelogram?

(A four-sided figure LMNP has two horizontal sides and two sides that fall from left to right. Figure LMNP has angles labeled as follows: L, 75 degrees; M, unlabeled; N, 75 degrees; P, y degrees.

75 degrees75°

y degreesy°

75 degrees75°

LMNP must be a parallelogram for
y equals=

my answers Is 360 or 75

y can clearly not be 360°, since that is a whole circle.

Opposite angles must be equal.
Adjacent angles are supplementary.

no idea, but it seems likely. Either 75 or 105

105 because 78 would be 102

the correct answer was 104

To determine the value of y for which the quadrilateral LMNP becomes a parallelogram, we must consider the properties of parallelograms.

In a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent. Therefore, both angles L and N must be equal to 75 degrees.

Given that angle L is already 75 degrees, we can conclude that angle N is also 75 degrees.

To determine the value of angle P (y degrees), we can use the fact that the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360 degrees.

So, we know that angle L + angle M + angle N + angle P = 360 degrees.

Substituting the known angle values, we have:

75 degrees + angle M + 75 degrees + y degrees = 360 degrees.

Combining like terms, we can simplify the equation:

150 degrees + angle M + y degrees = 360 degrees.

To isolate the value of y, we can subtract 150 degrees from both sides of the equation:

angle M + y degrees = 360 degrees - 150 degrees.

Simplifying further, we have:

angle M + y degrees = 210 degrees.

Since we are looking for the value of y that makes LMNP a parallelogram, we need to consider that in a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent.

This means that angle M and angle P must be equal.

Therefore, we can set angle M = angle P = y degrees.

So, we have:

y degrees + y degrees = 210 degrees.

Simplifying this equation gives us:

2y degrees = 210 degrees.

To find the value of y, we divide both sides of the equation by 2:

y degrees = 210 degrees / 2.

Calculating this gives us:

y degrees = 105 degrees.

Therefore, for LMNP to be a parallelogram, the value of y must be equal to 105 degrees.

So 75?