what is AL(MnO4)3

Al(MnO4)3 is aluminium permanganate

AL(MnO4)3 is not a valid chemical formula because it combines elements in a way that doesn't follow the rules of chemical nomenclature. The elements are mixed in a way that suggests the use of brackets, which typically indicate a complex or coordination compound. However, in this case, the elements AL (aluminum) and MnO4 (permanganate) are not commonly combined in this manner.

To better understand the meaning, it's important to note that "AL" is not a recognized symbol for any chemical element. The symbol for aluminum is "Al." Additionally, the formula "MnO4" represents the permanganate ion, which consists of a single manganese atom bonded to four oxygen atoms.

If you made a mistake or if there is more information you can provide, I would be happy to assist you further in understanding the correct chemical formula.