Think of two things that can have human body parts substituted for their own parts. What parts does a clock have that a human body has? Now use the the objects you though of in a lines of poetry.

Example: The face of Big Ben watches over the city of London.

Someone please help me with this. I've spent an hour on it, but with no ideas whatsoever (was going to use the hands of a clock, but don't know how to make it work out).

Help is appreciated. Thanks.

Big Ben's hands showed that it was 11:30.

The Clocks Cold

It sneezes every second. Moving its arms round and round. To every side of its arms there are his friends that are like statues; never moving. It scans the room for a new friend. They look. They go. Sitting there. Never growing. Never making new friends. Only looking for them and sneezing. He looks across to the his only mate. He is colourful, and can speak: “Brrrriiinnngg!!” I try to reply back but all that comes out it a “tick, tock”.

Coming up with creative ideas can sometimes be challenging, but I'll be glad to help you generate some lines of poetry using objects that can have human body parts substituted for their own. For this particular task, let's focus on clocks and see what connections we can make between clock parts and human body parts.

1. Start by thinking about the parts of a clock and their functions. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

- The gears of a clock could represent the joints in a human body.
- The pendulum of a clock could symbolize the heartbeat, as both swing back and forth rhythmically.
- The hands of a clock could represent the arms or fingers of a human.

2. Now, let's try to craft lines of poetry using these connections:

- In the rhythm of the gears, time's symphony performs.
- The pendulum's swing echoes the heartbeat's norms.
- The hands of time embrace moments with grace.

Feel free to modify or combine these ideas to create lines of poetry that resonate with you. Remember, poetry is subjective, so there are no right or wrong answers. Take your time, let your creativity flow, and enjoy the process.