So in math, a restriction can be set. For example 30<x<60. So I'm trying to do this in a Java else if statement. else if (x>30 && x<60) {, will that do the same thing. Because I did that in my program but I'm getting my desired output twice. I'm suspecting this is because of the conditions of my previous if statements. What can I do to fix my problem?

To give a bit more detail
if (x < 30) {

} else if (x==30) {

} else if (x >30 && x <60) {
} else if (age==50)

There is more to this but I haven't done it

As is if I enter in my x as 50 I'll get my desired result and it won't repeat
if enter any other number besides numbers above 50

If my x is 2, for example,
my desired results should be
when you are 30 years old the year will be
when you are 50 years old the year will be
when you are 80 years old the year will be

but when I run the application I get
when you are 30 years old the year will be
when you are 50 years old the year will be
when you are 80 years old the year will be
when you are 50 years old the year will be
when you are 80 years old the year will be

Nevermind I fixed my mistake

Based on your code snippet, it seems like you have a logical error in your if-else conditions. The issue is that when the value of `x` is between 30 and 60, it will satisfy the condition `x > 30 && x < 60`, but it will also satisfy the condition `x == 50`, leading to the desired output being printed twice.

To fix this, you need to reorder your if-else conditions and remove the redundant condition. Here's a modified version of your code:

if (x < 30) {
// Print
} else if (x == 30) {
// Print
} else if (x >= 30 && x < 60) {
// Print
} else if (x == 80) {
// Print

By using `>=` in the condition `x >= 30`, you explicitly exclude the case when `x` is equal to 30 from the following condition. This way, when `x` is between 30 and 60, it will only satisfy the third condition and not the second one, preventing the desired output from being printed twice.

Make sure to replace `age` with `x` in the last condition (`x == 80`) to match the name of the variable you mentioned in the previous part of your question.

With this modification, running the code with `x` as 50 should only produce the desired output once, and any other numbers besides 30, 50, and 80 should not trigger any of the conditions, resulting in no output.