In 4/4 time, what note gets the beat?

A. eighth note
B. quarter note
C. half note
D. whole note

the awnsors are

1. B

(In creepy monatome voice) excuse me Ms. Sue but we are not dummies

1.) In 4/4 time, what note gets the beat?

A. Eighth note. ☓
B. Quarter Note. ✓
C. Half Note. ☓
D. Whole Note. ☓

2.) How many beats are in one measure of 6/4?
A. 2 ☓
B. 4 ☓
C. 6 ✓
D. 9 ☓

3.) Which rhythmic value gets the beat in 4/8?
A. Eighth Note. ✓
B. Quarter Note. ☓
C. Half Note. ☓
D. Whole Note. ☓

Better ms. sue is correct for 7th grade connections academy

better Ms.sue is correct for 6th grade connections academy

Thank you Mrs.Sue I got them right

Thank you better ms.sue

better Ms.Sue is correct for 8th grade connections academy

The answers also work for 6th grade connexus students

rano ren is 100% correct thx

Thanks Ms.sue
