There has been a rise in supermarket-owned brands in Australia. These are commonly available in

supermarkets such as Woolworths, Coles and Aldi. It has been said that these brands account for
almost one-quarter of all grocery sales. It has also been claimed that the quality of supermarket-owned
brands is comparable with the equivalent market-leading brands, while the supermarket-owned brands are much cheaper.
Assume you are planning to undertake a study of a particular grocery line (e.g. baked beans or
breakfast cereal). Write a plan of how you would undertake this study.

Is anyone able to give me any dot points to help me with this 'plan'? Thanks.

What is your hypothesis?

Here is a start:

If it is that supermarket brands are cheaper than market brands (assuming that the products are equivalent):

Ho: M = S

Ha: M > S

Certainly! Here's a plan to help you undertake a study of a particular grocery line:

1. Define the research objective: Clearly state the purpose of your study, whether it is to compare the quality and price of supermarket-owned brands with market-leading brands for the selected grocery line.

2. Select the grocery line: Choose a specific product category within the grocery line to focus your study on, such as breakfast cereals or canned baked beans.

3. Determine the parameters: Identify the specific aspects that you want to evaluate, such as product quality, price, ingredients, nutritional information, packaging, and customer satisfaction.

4. Identify the brands: Select a range of both market-leading and supermarket-owned brands within the chosen grocery line. Ensure you have a diverse sample to compare accurately.

5. Conduct research: There are several methods you can use to collect data:

a. Online research: Visit the websites of supermarkets (Woolworths, Coles, Aldi) and market-leading brands to gather information about the products in your selected grocery line. Take note of prices, ingredients, nutritional information, and any other relevant details.

b. In-store observations: Visit different supermarkets to compare the physical aspects of the product, such as packaging, branding, and positioning on shelves. Assess if there are any promotional or marketing activities targeting these products.

c. Consumer reviews: Read online reviews or utilize social media platforms to gather feedback from consumers who have purchased and used the selected brands. Pay attention to comments on quality, taste, price, and overall satisfaction.

d. Price comparison: Compare the prices of the selected brands by visiting various supermarkets or online grocery platforms. Note any significant price differences.

6. Analyze the data: Organize the collected information into relevant categories, making it easier to compare the market-leading brands and supermarket-owned brands. Look for patterns and trends in terms of quality, price, and consumer satisfaction.

7. Draw conclusions: Evaluate the data collected and draw conclusions regarding the quality and price comparison between supermarket-owned brands and market-leading brands within the selected grocery line. Assess if the claims made about supermarket-owned brands being comparable in quality but cheaper hold true.

8. Present findings: Prepare a report or presentation summarizing your findings, including supporting evidence and any limitations of the study. Make sure to include recommendations for consumers or relevant stakeholders based on your conclusions.

Remember, it is important to ensure the study is conducted objectively, avoiding any biases or conflicts of interest that may impact the credibility of your findings.