What is the square root of 13/4 + the square root of 26/4 ?

1.8027756 and 2.5495098

To find the sum of the square roots of 13/4 and 26/4, you can add them directly.

First, simplify the square roots:

Square root of 13/4 = (sqrt(13))/(sqrt(4)) = (sqrt(13))/2

Square root of 26/4 = (sqrt(26))/(sqrt(4)) = (sqrt(26))/2

Now add them together:

(sqrt(13))/2 + (sqrt(26))/2

Since the denominators are the same, we can add the numerators:

(sqrt(13) + sqrt(26))/2

Now we have the sum of the square roots. To find the numerical value, you can use a calculator.

The approximate value of (sqrt(13) + sqrt(26))/2 is 1.8027756.

Note: The mentioned value of 2.5495098 does not match the calculation provided. Please double-check the expression or let me know if I made an error in the explanation.