A submarine is positioned at 300 feet below sea level. A bird is flying 100 feet above sea level. How many feet above the submarine is the bird.


i thought 100 at first but how i know its 400 so thx u guys and i am only sixth grade so


Its 400


400 feet

pp ap

To determine how many feet above the submarine the bird is, we need to find the difference in elevation between the bird and the submarine.

The submarine is positioned at 300 feet below sea level. Since the bird is flying 100 feet above sea level, we can calculate the difference by adding 300 feet (submarine's depth) to 100 feet (bird's altitude above sea level):

300 feet (submarine's depth) + 100 feet (bird's altitude above sea level) = 400 feet

Therefore, the bird is flying 400 feet above the submarine.

300 + 100 = _________ feet
