9. Which value could be the length of the missing side of the triangle? There's an isosceles triangle and one length on one side is 5 and the other is 12, and an x at the top. What is the length of x?

A. 5
B. 7
Help i don't understand how to find this

1. B

2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. D
100%!!!!! Trust me, I just took the quiz and they got me 100%!!!

i like fries

it has to be 5 or 12

two legs of length 5 will not reach 12 :)

What are the other answers?

Plus tell me ;~;

true so it's 12

I'm on the same question too ...

I'm not sure but it might be 12 since it's an isosceles triangle which means it has two equal sides and one unequal side.

What are the rest of the answers

Rose is right it's 12.


Yeet fully correct

what are the others

Do 10 on your own.


Thanks everyone

As if of now 2021 its still the same.

BTW Ms.sue died.
Anyone claiming to be her is lying.

@yeet is incorrect. Thanks a lot.

A Unique person -- Do you have a good reason for disagreeing with Damon, an experienced university professor with a PhD? What is your background?