Which of he following answer choices contains a metaphor?

•his skin was sandpaper
•The sun sparkled like a diamond
•She wanted to be like the birds and fly away
•they felt free when they ran through the doors



@Darkdream is right!!! 100% believe him/her

omg he is

OMG he is correct yay I can keep straight A'sss

darkdream is right!

i love your name big chungus

Darkdream is 100% right :3

omg he is i got scared to cause i was like "abcd?" like um LOL I GOT A 100 THANKSSS SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


oh my, he really is. i got scared.

Ive had up to here with your sarcasm......

Nah... cudos to you man *CLAP CLAP CLAP*

Yeah He's Right 100%

1.) A
2.) B
3.) C
4.) D
Connexus Students

Yeah Those are The Answers Thanks

You spelled Kudos wrong...



It really is the answers.

it's funny how it's A B C D

you make no sense

omg ikr like if you are going to tell a teacher you're going to also get in trouble because they will also know you are on the website too..

Study this, then let us know what you think.


@Bell Uh... Bella? Why are you here? Sorry about this, I have to report you to our math teacher.