What are the consequences of the U.S. war on drugs on Mexico?

A)Mexican drug cartels no longer risk sending illegal drugs into the U.S.(My Answer)

B) The poverty rate in Mexico has decreased significantly.

C)Illegal drug use in the U.S. has been eliminated.

D)Cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico has helped limit the drug trade.

I recommend you do some reading of your assigned materials, or Google the topic to learn more about it. The US has had a "war on drugs" since the 1970s, long before you were born. Many of the illegal drugs enter the United States through Mexico (not from the Mexican government, but through Mexican smugglers). How has that "war on drugs" affected the nation of Mexico? That's the question you need to answer.

Really, is A true ? Did you read that somewhere? I thought they were digging more sophisticated tunnels. I would guess D if anything.

No,I really guessed I didn't get the questions.

To effectively answer this question, we need to consider the potential consequences of the U.S. war on drugs on Mexico. Let's examine each option and determine whether it aligns with the expected outcomes:

A) Mexican drug cartels no longer risk sending illegal drugs into the U.S.
This option is incorrect. The U.S. war on drugs has not completely eradicated the flow of illegal drugs from Mexico into the United States. While efforts have been made to combat drug trafficking, Mexican drug cartels still operate and continue to transport drugs across the border.

B) The poverty rate in Mexico has decreased significantly.
This option is not directly related to the consequences of the U.S. war on drugs. The impact of the war on drugs on poverty rates in Mexico is a complex issue, as there are various factors at play. It's important to note that addressing poverty requires a comprehensive approach beyond solely focusing on drug policy.

C) Illegal drug use in the U.S. has been eliminated.
This option is incorrect. The U.S. war on drugs has not entirely eliminated illegal drug use in the United States. Despite efforts to curb drug consumption through law enforcement and prevention programs, drug use persists, indicating that complete elimination has not been achieved.

D) Cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico has helped limit the drug trade.
This option is partially correct. The U.S. and Mexico have collaborated to combat drug trafficking through various cooperative measures, such as intelligence sharing, joint operations, and extradition of cartel leaders. However, it is important to acknowledge that the drug trade remains a significant challenge due to the complex nature of the issue.

Considering the options presented, the most suitable answer would be D) Cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico has helped limit the drug trade. While it may not have completely eradicated the drug trade, cooperation between the two countries has contributed to some progress in curbing drug trafficking.