What is the puckered opening between the legs of a frog called?

The puckered opening between the legs of a frog is called the cloaca. Want to learn how to get this answer on your own? Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Start by understanding what you are looking for: the term for the opening between the legs of a frog.
2. Use a search engine such as Google or Bing.
3. Enter keywords related to the topic, such as "opening between the legs of a frog" or "frog anatomy."
4. Look for reliable sources, such as educational websites or scientific journals, to obtain accurate information.
5. Scan the search results for relevant articles or web pages that provide the answer.
6. Click on the most relevant link, which may lead you to a page that describes and labels different parts of a frog's anatomy.
7. Look for a section or description that mentions the opening between the frog's legs.
8. Read through the text to find the specific term used for this opening, in this case, "cloaca."
9. If necessary, cross-reference your findings with other sources to ensure accuracy.
10. With this process, you can gather information and learn new things whenever you have a question!

anus or cloaca