For my lesson I need to create a alternate ending of a story, I chose "Pair of Silk Stockings" by Kate Chopin. I have read the story.

I'm not supposed to change the ending, but rather add on to it.. I have to add about 2 pages, but I have no idea what I should bring the story to. Can anyone give me some ideas?

This site may give you some ideas.

You need to imagine what might happen to the characters AFTER the story ended.

Okay I have a idea, maybe I can make it so she arrives home, but doesn't give up her own personal identity, but also doesn't give up her family responsibilities, She then on sets aside a day a week where she can go on and do her own activities without feeling lost. How about that?

Sounds realistic to me.

Go for it.

Okay, Thank you both.

You're welcome.

Certainly! To come up with ideas for an alternate ending to "A Pair of Silk Stockings" by Kate Chopin, you can focus on expanding the themes and conflicts present in the original story. Here are a few suggestions to help you brainstorm:

1. Develop the theme of personal freedom: In the original ending, Mrs. Sommers indulges herself by buying silk stockings and luxuriating in her newfound financial freedom. You could continue the story by exploring how this moment of empowerment impacts her life further. Does she continue to prioritize her own desires? How does her newfound independence affect her relationships, responsibilities, and sense of self?

2. Explore the consequences of Mrs. Sommers' choices: In the original story, Mrs. Sommers experiences a brief escape from her mundane life, but the ending is ambiguous about the long-term consequences of her actions. You could create an ending that delves into the aftermath of her indulgence. Does she feel guilty, or does she continue to seek pleasures outside of her means?

3. Introduce a conflict that challenges Mrs. Sommers' newfound happiness: Consider introducing a character or event that disrupts Mrs. Sommers' contentment. This could be a situation that forces her to reconsider her priorities or makes her question her desires. For example, perhaps a close friend or family member falls ill, and Mrs. Sommers must make a sacrifice to help them.

4. Reflect on the societal expectations of women in the story's setting: "A Pair of Silk Stockings" is set in the late 19th century, a period known for strict gender norms. You can bring attention to the limitations and pressures placed on women during that time. Show how Mrs. Sommers challenges societal expectations and how her actions resonate with other women in her community.

Remember, the key is to build on the existing elements of the story while maintaining consistency with Kate Chopin's themes and characters. Feel free to incorporate your own creative ideas and style as well. Happy writing!