All right triangles are Isosceles

My answer False.

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To understand why this statement is false, we need to understand what an isosceles triangle is. An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has at least two sides of equal length.

In contrast, an right triangle is a triangle that has one angle measuring 90 degrees.

While it is true that some right triangles can also be isosceles triangles, not all right triangles are isosceles.

To prove this, we can look at a right triangle with unequal side lengths. For example, consider a right triangle with side lengths of 3, 4, and 5 units. The side lengths of this triangle follow the Pythagorean theorem (3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2), making it a right triangle. However, since the side lengths are not equal, it is not an isosceles triangle.

Therefore, the statement "All right triangles are isosceles" is false.

As for seeking help with your Unit 5 Test, it would be best to reach out to your teacher or classmates for assistance. They can guide you through the concepts and provide explanations rather than simply giving answers. Remember, understanding the material is the key to performing well on the test, not just having the correct answers.