I need 2.5ml of 10% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. How do I make it?

Is that 10% w/v. You want 10 g NaOH/100 mL so10 g x (2.50/100) = ?g NaOH.

To make 2.5ml of a 10% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the amount of sodium hydroxide needed
- The desired concentration of the solution is 10%. This means that for every 100ml of solution, 10g of sodium hydroxide is present.
- Since you need only 2.5ml of solution, the amount of sodium hydroxide needed can be calculated using the following formula:
Amount of sodium hydroxide (in grams) = (desired concentration / 100) * volume of solution needed
Amount of sodium hydroxide (in grams) = (10 / 100) * 2.5 = 0.25 grams

Step 2: Calculate the volume of water needed
- To make a solution, you will need a solvent, which in this case will be water.
- Since the desired volume of the solution is 2.5ml, you will need to subtract the volume of sodium hydroxide from the desired solution volume to find out how much water is needed.
Volume of water needed = volume of solution - volume of sodium hydroxide
Volume of water needed = 2.5ml - 2.5ml = 0ml

Step 3: Prepare the solution
- Take a container that can hold at least 2.5ml of solution.
- Measure 0.25 grams of sodium hydroxide using a balance and add it to the container.
- Add 0ml of water to the container since the desired volume is already 2.5ml.

Step 4: Mix the solution
- Stir or shake the container thoroughly to ensure the sodium hydroxide dissolves completely in the water.

Now you have prepared 2.5ml of a 10% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. Remember to handle sodium hydroxide with caution as it is a caustic substance and can cause burns or irritation.

To make 2.5ml of a 10% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the amount of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) needed:
In a 10% sodium hydroxide solution, there is 10g of NaOH dissolved in 100ml of water.

So, to find the amount of NaOH required for 2.5ml of a 10% solution, we can use the proportion:
(10g/100ml) = (x g/2.5ml)

Solving this proportion, we find that x = (2.5ml * 10g) / 100ml = 0.25g

Therefore, you will need 0.25 grams of sodium hydroxide.

2. Dissolve the required amount of sodium hydroxide:
Weigh precisely 0.25g of sodium hydroxide using a balance.

Caution: Sodium hydroxide is a strong base and can cause burns. Handle it with care, wearing protective gloves and goggles.

Add the weighed sodium hydroxide to a suitable container (such as a glass or plastic beaker).

3. Add water to make the final volume:
Pour distilled water into the container with the measured sodium hydroxide until the total volume reaches 2.5ml.

Gently stir the mixture until the sodium hydroxide is completely dissolved.

4. Label and store the solution:
Label the container with the contents, concentration, and date prepared (e.g., "10% NaOH, 2.5ml, Date").

Store the solution in a tightly closed container, away from heat or direct sunlight.

Please note that working with strong bases, like sodium hydroxide, requires knowledge of proper safety protocols. Ensure you have appropriate training and take necessary precautions to handle corrosive substances safely.