Both Ernesto from barrio boy and the boy in A day's wait interact with adults. Ernesto interacts with Ms. Ryan, while the sick boy interacts with his father. In a paragraph, compare and contrast how the boys interact with the adult. focus on how the boys think of the adults, how the adults react to the boys, and how the boys respond to them.

No, I'm not being lazy and trying to get people to do the work for me, I'm actually stuck and I have no idea what to type.
All I want is some help, thanks.

Ernesto is a “barrio boy”, learning a new language and getting familiar with his new surroundings. and Schatz knows he is very sick. Both boys are the same age and are corageous and willing to confront their reality. Schatz interacts with his father in a respectful way both seem tired as he is sick and this seems to affect the communication between the two. The father tries to be comprehensive and has patience in dealing with son’s inquiries. In the case of Ernesto, as he is learning the English language, he is afraid in his interaction with Mrs. Ryan because he considers that maybe his teacher cannot understand him and they are not going to have a good communication.  Got this from brainly

like my thing plz

Yes, I read the stories, I'm still puzzled.

Read through Similar Questions (and the replies) below. This has been asked before.

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No problem! I'm here to help. Let's break down the question and provide some guidance on how to approach it.

To compare and contrast how the two boys, Ernesto from "Barrio Boy" and the sick boy from "A Day's Wait," interact with adults, we can start by analyzing their thoughts about the adults they interact with.

For Ernesto, in "Barrio Boy," he interacts with Ms. Ryan. Consider how he thinks of her. What are his attitudes and perceptions towards her? What does the text reveal about his thoughts regarding adults in general? Look for passages that provide insights into his thoughts and feelings in these interactions.

Similarly, for the sick boy in "A Day's Wait," think about how he perceives his father. Does he have any specific thoughts about him? How does he view the adult figure in his life? Again, search for relevant parts of the text that offer clues to the boy's thoughts and attitudes towards adults.

Next, analyze how the adults - Ms. Ryan and the sick boy's father - react to the boys. How do they respond to their needs, concerns, and questions? Are they supportive, dismissive, authoritative, or understanding? Pay attention to the tone, actions, and words of the adults to uncover their reactions towards the boys.

Lastly, evaluate how the boys respond to the adults. Do they show respect, fear, trust, or skepticism? Look for instances where the boys express their feelings or thoughts about the adults. Consider how they adapt their behavior and attitudes based on the adults' reactions.

By considering these aspects - the boys' thoughts about the adults, the adults' reactions to the boys, and the boys' responses in turn - you can create a well-rounded paragraph that compares and contrasts how Ernesto and the sick boy interact with the adults in their lives. This approach will help you engage with the texts and provide a thoughtful analysis.