find the sixth term of the sequence a(n)=6+(n-1)(-2)

please explain

find the range y=-3x+7 for the domain {-8, -6, -3, -2, 2}

to find the range all i have to do is plug the domain as x and y should be the answer, right?

shouldn’t the answer for the first question be -10?

what is 6 + 5(-2) ?

= 6 - 10
= -4

oooh i see, thank u

What is the fourth and thirteenth terms?

Please help me.

just replace n with 6

a(6) = 6 + (5)(-2)
= -4

2nd question: correct

let x = -8, y = -3(-8)+7 = 31
let x = -6, y = -3(-6)+7 = 25
let x = 2, y = -3(2)+7 = 1

so the range is {31, 25, ... ,1}