What feeling does this passage from the middle of "Rattlesnake Hunt" convey? What words convey the feeling?

I took the snake in my hands. It was not cold, it was not clammy, and it lay trustingly in my hands, a thing that lived and breathed and had mortality like the rest of us. I felt an upsurgence of spirit.

I hate when people don't just put the correct answers straight up, so here is the correct answers

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
this is for gt la 7 a unit 3 lesson 11 second read rattlesnake hunt.

First read is

1. A
2. B
I just took the test

help plsssssssss

some girl is correct

wot about third read quiz?

What are your choices and what is your answer?

The feelings are of kindness, life,trust,rest and of love for animals. The words that covey feeling are trustingly,breathed,mortality,upsurgence. This para convey the message to love animals bcz they are also the living beings and feel pain as we do.

What about the third read

The passage from "Rattlesnake Hunt" conveys a feeling of awe or reverence towards the snake. The words that convey this feeling are "trustingly," "lived," "breathed," and "mortality."

To arrive at this interpretation, one can consider the words used to describe the snake and the emotions felt by the narrator. The use of words like "trustingly" suggests a sense of innocence or vulnerability on the part of the snake, while the mention of it being a living and breathing creature highlights its significance as a fellow being with mortality. Additionally, the use of the word "upsurgence" implies a surge of positive emotion or an uplifting feeling experienced by the narrator. These elements combined evoke a sense of wonder or reverence towards the snake.