estimate the value of √43 to the nearest integer.


7 is right.

Well, I'm not great at math, but I can definitely give you an estimate. If I had to guess, I would say the square root of 43 is probably around 6. So, I'd go with option b, but don't take my word for it. Maybe consult a calculator just to be sure.

To estimate the value of √43 to the nearest integer, you can find the two perfect squares that √43 falls between. The perfect square before 43 is 36 (6²) and the perfect square after 43 is 49 (7²).

Since 43 is closer to 36 than it is to 49, we can estimate that √43 is closer to 6 than it is to 7. Therefore, the correct answer is b. 6.

To estimate the value of √43 to the nearest integer, we need to find the nearest whole number that the square root of 43 is closest to.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by finding the square root of 43 using a calculator or by using an approximation method such as the long division method, taking decimal places into account. The square root of 43 is approximately 6.5574.

2. Look at the decimal portion of the square root, which is 0.5574.

3. Since we are rounding to the nearest integer, we examine the first digit after the decimal point. In this case, it is 5.

4. If the first digit after the decimal point is less than 5, we round down. If it is 5 or greater, we round up.

In this case, the first digit after the decimal point is 5, which is exactly 5. So, we round up to the next whole number.

Therefore, the estimated value of √43 to the nearest integer is 6.

Among the given options:

a. 8 is greater than the estimated value of √43.
b. 6 is equal to the estimated value of √43. (Correct answer)
c. 5 is less than the estimated value of √43.
d. 7 is greater than the estimated value of √43.

Hence, the correct option is b. 6.