The purpose of prisons in a free society is to ____________________ .

teach moral principles

restrain those who cannot restrain themselves

warehouse nonconformists


B is the best answer. Usually, it is to punish wrong-doers, as well as restrain them so they won't commit more crimes.

thank you.

To find the correct answer to this question, we can start by understanding the purpose of prisons in general. Prisons serve several purposes in a free society:

1. Retribution: Prisons are often seen as a means of punishment for individuals who have committed crimes. This retributive approach seeks to balance the harm caused by the offender with a proportional punishment.

2. Deterrence: By incarcerating individuals who have committed crimes, prisons aim to deter others from engaging in similar behaviors. The fear of facing imprisonment is intended to discourage potential offenders from breaking the law.

3. Rehabilitation: Prisons also serve the purpose of rehabilitating offenders. Through various programs and interventions, prisons aim to address the root causes of criminal behavior and provide inmates with the necessary skills and support to reintegrate into society successfully.

4. Public Safety: Prisons are used to protect society from individuals who pose a threat to others. By separating dangerous individuals from the general population, prisons help maintain public safety.

Considering the options given, the statement that best aligns with the purpose of prisons in a free society is "restrain those who cannot restrain themselves." Prisons are designed to detain individuals who have proven through their actions that they cannot abide by society's rules and laws, temporarily removing them from society to prevent further harm.

While prisons may indirectly aim to teach moral principles and provide a structured environment for nonconformists, these objectives are secondary to the main purpose of incarcerating those who pose a danger to themselves or others.