Think about the work you completed in your reading character role.

Determine the ideas that would be most worthy to share in a literary discussion about Johnny Tremain.
Provide an explanation for your choices.
How did the role you selected and the work you completed help you to understand more about the text? support your response with at least two pieces from the novel. 4(points)


You do have a sense of humor!

Y'all annoying. I just wanted the answer

Dear Ms.Sue

It has come to my conclusion that users of the jiskha website do not give out free answers to ELA. Im out here trying to get free 100's and your rude self doesn't give me free answers. I ask that you just cheat for us Connexus kids. So from now on when we ask for the quiz and essay we expect you to provide them for us


Well who the hell is MR. sue?

So like why y’all having a argument on this website? Y’all childish for this and most of y’all are like in 8th and 9th grade, so get mature.



WHAT THE HECK IS A CHARACTER ROLE !!!! noooooooo one here has a believable answer so how am i supposed to answer it !

How did you even get to this question if you were not cheating Crystal?

I'm guessing you're in 8th grade, and trying to pass yourself off as a non-cheater.

Can we just get the bloody answer already?

well aren't you all a ray of sunshine