Hey I'm horrible at art and my mom says if I miss 1 more question I'm dead so I need some help by some of the fabulous teachers here because I know I can trust your answer to be correct because you are teachers thanks.

This pic is called ALFRED la GUIGNE by Henri de Toulouse-lautrec for question 1

1. individuals can use different criteria to analyze artwork. What would be an example of inappropriate criteria for analyzing this piece of art
A capturing daily scenes
B capturing likeness to the individuals
C creating an image using photo realism
D using asymmetrical balance *******

This pic is called WOMAN with a CAT by August Renoir

2 To better capture the personality of the individual the artist chose to include
A pets and items of personal interest in the image*****
B a formal setting
C items that indicate o profession
D a lack of expression

This pic is called resting by A Follower of John Singer Sargent

3 This piece of art would be successful if evaluated using which criteria
A the characteristics of detailed portraits
B the characteristics of perspective
C the characteristics of photo-realism****
D the characteristics of impressionism

This pic is called Self-Portrait by Vincent vanGogh

4 Which techniques did Van Gogh use to create this self-portrait
A smooth blending and shading
B broken brush strokes
C a formal setting
D abstract designs*******

This pic is CLAUDE MONET by Auguste Renoir

5 What message does this image portray to the viewer
A The man does not take studying seriously
B The man is carefree and happy
C The man is deep in thought while studying***
D The man has is an artist who likes to draw



Thanks who ever you are gave the answers. I got 100%.


connxus kid is correct, i got 100%!

100% make it realistic though guys don't want them suspicious

Connexus Kid is 100% correct! Thanks bro! Yayyyyyy!

yeah, true I got one question wrong just so it won't look weird

As for Van Gogh's self-portrait, I don't see any abstract designs in any of them.

Thank You so much Connexus kid you saved my life!:)

Thx connexus kid i got a 90 but thats because i choose wrong for 3 but thx

tysm connxus kid your a grade saver...... well not really I have a A in this class but whatever thanks

You are a lifesaver movie I'll get one wrong I will lose $100

Thanks connexus kid you got me 100%

Think you ☺

connxus kid is right

They're right! just did it and I got a 100% !!!

Thanks, real life saver!

1 - no. Photo realism? Toulouse-Lautrec?

2 - I agree
3 - no. Does this painting look like a photograph? I don't think so.
4 - I don't know which self-portrait you're trying to evaluate.
5 - I agree