a music store sells 28 mp3 players and 39 red mp3 players. each mp3 player costs $67. what is a reasonable estimate for the total cost of the mp3 players?

(30+40)(70) = 4900

as all three numbers were rounded up ,it will be a bit high.

To estimate the total cost of the mp3 players, you can multiply the average cost of an mp3 player by the total number of mp3 players. Here's how you can calculate it:

Step 1: Calculate the average cost per mp3 player:
The store sells regular mp3 players for $67 each, and since no information is given about the price of red mp3 players, we'll assume they have the same price. Therefore, the average cost per mp3 player is $67.

Step 2: Calculate the total number of mp3 players:
The store sells 28 regular mp3 players and 39 red mp3 players. Adding these numbers together, we get a total of 28 + 39 = 67 mp3 players.

Step 3: Multiply the average cost per mp3 player by the total number of mp3 players:
Using the average cost of $67 per mp3 player and the total number of mp3 players (67), we can multiply these two values to find the reasonable estimate for the total cost:
$67 × 67 = $4489.

Therefore, a reasonable estimate for the total cost of the mp3 players is $4489.