
You are required to briefly but properly document the functional requirements for an INVENTORY INFORMATION SYSTEM by creating the following using the correct symbols:
1. The description of the selected information system in the selected business 2. Use Case document 3. Context DFD 4. System DFD 5. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to show the suggested design/implementation activities for the selected information system 6. Activity on Arrow (AOA) diagram as the baseline for implementing the selected information system .

To document the functional requirements for an Inventory Information System, you can follow these steps:

1. Description of the selected information system in the selected business:
- Define the purpose and scope of the Inventory Information System, including any specific business requirements or objectives.
- Describe the relevant business processes and departments involved in managing the inventory.
- Explain the importance of the system in terms of improving efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making.

2. Use Case document:
- Identify the primary actors or users of the system, such as inventory managers, purchasing staff, or sales team.
- Define the main use cases or scenarios that the system should support, including actions performed by the actors and corresponding system responses.
- Specify any specific constraints or conditions for each use case.

3. Context DFD (Data Flow Diagram):
- Create a Context DFD to represent the interactions between the system and external entities or systems.
- Identify the main inputs and outputs of the system and the data flows between them.
- Use appropriate symbols to represent processes, data stores, and data flows.

4. System DFD (Data Flow Diagram):
- Develop a System DFD to show the internal processes and data flows within the Inventory Information System.
- Identify the main functions or modules within the system and how they interact.
- Specify any data stores used for storing and retrieving inventory information.

5. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):
- Create a hierarchical breakdown of the design and implementation activities for the Inventory Information System.
- Divide the project into smaller tasks or deliverables, such as system analysis, database design, user interface development, etc.
- Ensure that the WBS captures all the necessary activities for successful implementation.

6. Activity on Arrow (AOA) diagram:
- Use an AOA diagram, also known as a network diagram, to represent the sequence of activities and their dependencies.
- Define the activities required for implementing the Inventory Information System, including tasks from the WBS.
- Specify the duration and order of activities, as well as any dependencies or constraints.

It is important to note that for each of these steps, you may need to gather input from key stakeholders and subject matter experts to ensure accuracy and completeness in documenting the functional requirements for the Inventory Information System.