Compare and contrast your Independent Reading selection with one or two other selections you have read in this unit. Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from your Independent Reading selection. Be sure to give the title and author of your selection.

"with one or two other reading selections you have read in this unit"
so compare two of my independent selections or compare it with a story they gave me to read?

Ms. Sue never helps

Mrs. Sue your not helping.

Im joking, you don't help at all.

basically, you have to go back to your ELA textbook, pick out a story u read and pick any other book from the library (or smthn) n then you compare n contrast?? genre n plot idk imhaving trouble finding a book

@benga you is SO damn extra

No I'm pretty sure your supposed to be comparing it with a reading selection that you've read, I'm guessing you've had to read "Raymond's run" Like comparing the lesson they learned, Maybe idk

Thank you so much mrs.sue for everything you do for us I’m sorry people are so inconsiderate of you I love you.

I love how everyone is hating on @Ms. Sue because she didnt "Give them the answer" Dude. This is Jishka Homework HELP. Not Ms.Sue Will give you the answer.


Ms.Sue i dont hate you ^•^

You know she is dead... right?

It is sad.

ya know she died right

that's really rude she died with you talking about her like that she is really helpful just because she doesn't give you an answer I mean do the work and yes I do know I'm on this site. I'm only here to check my answers not to just get out of doing work.

what is the answer?????????????????????????

Word ^^^

i dont hate her

Compare your independent selection with the story they gave you to read.