Would someone be able to help me translate this into English? I'm not sure it makes sense.

Tan bomba vas a ser?
De donde ss

Thanks in advance.

It would help if you proofread your questions before you posted them.

The closest I can get is:

How pumped are you going to be?

De donde es?

Where is he/she/it from?

Certainly! I'd be happy to help you translate. Let's break it down.

1. "Tan bomba vas a ser?" translates to "Are you going to be such a bomb?"

Here's how to break it down:

- "Tan" translates to "such" or "so."
- "Bomba" translates to "bomb."
- "Vas a ser" translates to "you are going to be."

2. "De donde ss" translates to "Where are you from?"

Here's how to break it down:

- "De donde" translates to "from where."
- "Ss" is an abbreviate colloquial way of writing "eres," which translates to "you are" in English.

So, the full translation of the provided text is:

"Are you going to be such a bomb? Where are you from?"

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.