what were knights social status and daily lives like??

its kind of confusing how this site puts it to me please help me understand..

Here are a couple of very good sites on life in the Middle Ages.



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I'd be happy to help you understand the social status and daily lives of knights during medieval times. The social status of knights varied depending on the time period and the region, but generally speaking, knights were considered members of the nobility and held a higher social status than commoners.

Now, let's break down their daily lives:

1. Training: Knights started their training at a young age, typically as pages, where they learned the basics of horsemanship, hunting, and other skills. As they grew older, they became squires, assisting knights in battle and learning combat techniques. After extensive training, they would undergo a special ceremony called "dubbing" to become a fully-fledged knight.

2. Military Service: Knights were primarily warriors and their main duty was to fight. They served as cavalry in battles, tournaments, and wars. They were skilled in various forms of combat, including the use of weapons such as swords, lances, and shields.

3. Code of Chivalry: Knights followed a code of conduct known as chivalry, which emphasized virtues like honor, loyalty, bravery, and courtesy. They were expected to show respect to their superiors, protect the weak, and exhibit courtly behavior.

4. Land and Lordship: Many knights held land and were expected to protect and defend it. They often served as vassals to a lord or noble, providing military service in exchange for land or other privileges. They were responsible for maintaining law and order within their territories.

5. Lifestyle and Privileges: Knights typically lived in castles, which were fortresses that provided both protection and accommodation. They enjoyed certain privileges such as attending royal courts, participating in tournaments, and having social interactions with other noble families. However, their lifestyle depended on their wealth and rank, and not all knights were equally prosperous.

It's important to note that medieval society was diverse, and the experiences of knights would have varied depending on factors like their region, wealth, and specific circumstances. I hope this helps clarify the social status and daily lives of knights for you!