Hi, I am doing an assignment on transitions. I need some help. Here is what I have.

1. Care for a crispy, juicy grasshopper for breakfast? For example, in many parts of the world, it is considered perfectly acceptable to eat. I added for example.

2. People in North America is often shocked by the thought of eating bugs. For instance, grasshoppers, ants, and bees are considered treats by some people. I aded in for instance.
3. Even stinkbugs are eaten and enjoyed in some parts of the world. However, the glands contain a chemical called cyanide, which is poisonous. I added however.

4. In France, a frog's hind legs are very popular as food. Moreover, the hind legs are thought to be a delicacy in many French dishes..I aded moreover..

Is this correct?

I'm not sure exactly what you need from us. What you have written is true in different parts of the world. Grubs, for example, provide protein. I have eaten dried grasshoppers without knowing it; they were red and crunchy and no one told me until AFTER I had eaten them, what they were. In Russia, mice that had not yet opened their eyes were eaten (baked, I think) and cat and dog have been served as meat, plus horse meat is very popular in Holland.

Now, how exactly may we help you?


Oh, sorry..I guess I didn't explain myself clearly. My assignment is on Transitions. So, I added some transitions to sentences above..but I am not sure if they are correct or not..

Overall, your use of transition words in these sentences is correct. However, there are a few recommendations for improvement:

1. Care for a crispy, juicy grasshopper for breakfast? For example, in many parts of the world, it is considered perfectly acceptable to eat.

This sentence works fine, but you could consider rephrasing it slightly for better flow: "Care for a crispy, juicy grasshopper for breakfast, for example? In many parts of the world, it is considered perfectly acceptable to eat."

2. People in North America are often shocked by the thought of eating bugs. For instance, grasshoppers, ants, and bees are considered treats by some people.

In this sentence, you correctly used "For instance" to provide an example. However, you should also fix the subject-verb agreement issue. Instead of saying "People in North America is" you should say "People in North America are."

3. Even stinkbugs are eaten and enjoyed in some parts of the world. However, the glands contain a chemical called cyanide, which is poisonous.

The usage of "However" in this sentence is correct. It effectively shows a contrast between the previous statement and the information about the poisonous glands. No changes are necessary.

4. In France, a frog's hind legs are very popular as food. Moreover, the hind legs are thought to be a delicacy in many French dishes.

Your use of "Moreover" in this sentence is correct. It connects the second sentence to the first, providing additional information about the popularity and delicacy of frog's hind legs in France. No changes are necessary here.

In conclusion, your use of transition words is mostly correct. Just make sure to fix the subject-verb agreement in sentence 2 ("People in North America are often shocked"). Additionally, I suggested some minor rephrasing for better flow in sentence 1.