Is 0.2% is 2/100 or 0.02/100

its 2/1000

To convert to decimal from percent, just move the decimal two places to the left, in this case, 0.002 (or 0.2/100 if you prefer)

To determine whether 0.2% is equivalent to 2/100 or 0.02/100, we need to understand the concept of percentages and how they relate to fractions.

A percentage is a way of expressing a fraction or a portion of a whole out of 100. To convert a fraction to a percentage, we multiply it by 100. Conversely, to convert a percentage to a fraction, we divide it by 100.

Now let's examine the given values:

Option 1: 2/100
To determine if 0.2% is equal to 2/100, we need to convert 2/100 to a percentage. We do this by multiplying 2/100 by 100:
(2/100) * 100 = 2%.

Since 0.2% and 2% are equal, we can conclude that 0.2% is equivalent to 2/100.

Option 2: 0.02/100
To determine if 0.2% is equal to 0.02/100, we need to convert 0.02/100 to a percentage. We do this by multiplying 0.02/100 by 100:
(0.02/100) * 100 = 0.02%.

Therefore, we can see that 0.2% is NOT equivalent to 0.02/100.

In conclusion, 0.2% is equivalent to 2/100.