Dylan has 765 cards in his baseball card collection. He sells 153 of the cards. What is the percent of decrease in the number of cards in the collection?

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Using proportions and subtracting 765 and 153 you get 612 and divide that by 153 and get 4 and multiply it by 100

612/765 = 0.8 = 80%

100 - 80 = 20% decrease

To find the percent of decrease in the number of cards in Dylan's collection, you can use the following formula:

Percent Decrease = (Decrease in Quantity / Initial Quantity) * 100

Let's calculate the decrease in quantity first.

Decrease in Quantity = Initial Quantity - Final Quantity

Given that Dylan has 765 cards in his collection and sells 153 of them, we can calculate the final quantity:

Final Quantity = Initial Quantity - Quantity Sold

Final Quantity = 765 - 153
Final Quantity = 612

Now we can calculate the decrease in quantity:

Decrease in Quantity = 765 - 612
Decrease in Quantity = 153

Now let's calculate the percent of decrease:

Percent Decrease = (153 / 765) * 100
Percent Decrease = 0.2 * 100
Percent Decrease = 20

Therefore, the percent of decrease in the number of cards in Dylan's collection is 20%.