The oppoiste of lucky is unlucky.

1. What is the opposite of luck?
Is it unluck or bad/ill luck? Don't you use 'unluck'?
2. What about luck or luckiliss? Are both okay?

Luckiless is not a word. Bad or ill luck means the same as unlucky.

To be clearer, luckless is a word (nor luckiless). It means the same as unlucky.

1. The opposite of luck is indeed "bad luck" or "ill luck," rather than "unluck." While "unluck" might seem like a logical opposite based on the prefix "un-", it is not commonly used in English. Instead, we typically use the terms "bad luck" or "ill luck" to convey the opposite of being fortunate or lucky.

To determine the opposite of a word, it can be helpful to search online dictionaries or thesauruses. These resources often provide synonyms and antonyms for words, giving you a better understanding of their opposites.

2. Neither "luck" nor "luckiliss" are commonly used as opposites of luck. "Luck" itself doesn't have an established opposite as it is usually understood as a state of random chance or fortune. On the other hand, "luckiliss" is not a recognized term in the English language.

When looking for alternative words, it's always a good idea to consult reputable dictionaries or thesauruses to ensure accuracy and clarity. These resources can provide a range of synonyms but may not always have an exact opposite for every term.