please check my work.

1. The number of words (x) Tina can type per minute is at Least 50. write and graph and inequality. (I broke it down to these 2 choices because the A & D was incorrect)

B. x is less than or equal to 50

C. x is greater than or equal to 50 ~~~~

2. Gavin needs to at least read 150 pages of his book this week. he already ready 82 pages. How many more pages (p) must Gavin read this week.

A. 82 + p is greater than or equal to 150; p is greater than or equal to 68 ~~~~

B. p + 82 is less than or equal to 150; p is less than or greater to 68

C. p - 72 is greater than or equal to 150; p is greater than or equal to 222

D. p - 82 is less than or equal to 150; p is less than or equal to 222

3. solve the inequality
x/-10 > 6

A. x > 60

B. x > -60 ~~~~

C. x < -60

D. x < -4

4. Solve the inequality. Explain each step and identify the property used for each step (for questions 4 & 5)
2y - 2 <14

A. y > 6

B. y > 8

C. y < 8 ~~~~

D. y < 6

5. 25 > 1 - 3d

A. d < -8

B. d > 8

C. d < 8

D. d > -8 ~~~~


hope you get an A.
sorry no response

for #2 I meant read*

wait for #3 I meant c not b

scott you sure? I really don't want to fail before Christmas my mom will kill me + no Christmas for me. I'm trying not to fail any classes. which is why I came here before I turn it in

I am confused on the second question can someone explain it to me?

cabage pack IS RIGHT I GOT A 100 THX YOU SO MUCH

1. For the first question, the inequality should represent that the number of words Tina can type per minute is at least 50. Since "at least" means greater than or equal to, the correct choice is C. So the inequality is x >= 50. To graph this on a number line, draw a closed circle at 50 and shade to the right to represent all values greater than or equal to 50.

2. For the second question, Gavin needs to read at least 150 pages and has already read 82 pages. To find out how many more pages he must read, we can subtract the pages he has already read from the target number of pages. So the correct choice is A. The equation is 82 + p >= 150, and solving for p gives p >= 68.

3. To solve the inequality x/-10 > 6, we need to multiply both sides of the inequality by -10 to isolate x. However, since we are multiplying by a negative number, we need to flip the inequality symbol. So the correct choice is B. Multiplying both sides by -10 gives x < -60.

4. To solve the inequality 2y - 2 < 14, we can add 2 to both sides to isolate the variable. This step is using the addition property of inequality. So the correct choice is C. Adding 2 to both sides gives 2y < 16. Then, dividing both sides by 2 (using the division property of inequality) gives y < 8.

5. To solve the inequality 25 > 1 - 3d, we need to isolate the variable. We can subtract 1 from both sides to get 24 > -3d. Then, divide both sides by -3, remembering to flip the inequality symbol because we are dividing by a negative number. So the correct choice is D. Dividing both sides by -3 gives d > -8.

looks good

im sorry kid you got most of them wrong and no one helped you and your mom should not take away your christmas thats so sad.