How did humanist philosophy affect people’s perceptions during the Renaissance?

a. People began to question government and the hereditary rule of monarchs.
b. Humanist philosophy caused people to favor superstition over science and reason.
c. Humanist philosophy altered people’s belief in the divine in favor of atheism.
d. People abandoned agriculture in favor of factories and industry to earn a living.

I think it is a or b

Choose one of those. They are pretty much opposites.

I think a

Yes, A.

The correct answer is option a. People began to question government and the hereditary rule of monarchs.

During the Renaissance, humanist philosophy had a significant impact on people's perceptions in several ways. Humanist thinkers emphasized the importance of human potential, reason, and individualism, which led to a questioning of traditional authority and power structures.

As humanist ideas spread, individuals began to question the divine right of monarchs and the idea that power should be passed down based on heredity. Instead, they advocated for more equitable systems of government and sought to establish political institutions that were accountable to the people. This led to the development of ideas such as republicanism, with an emphasis on civic engagement and participation.

In summary, humanist philosophy during the Renaissance led to a shift in people's perceptions, prompting them to question and challenge traditional government structures, such as the hereditary rule of monarchs.