which of the following was not a new weapon or method of warfare in world war 1?

None of the above.


To determine which of the following options was not a new weapon or method of warfare in World War 1, you would need to identify the innovations that were actually introduced at that time. Here are the options:

A) Tanks
B) Poison gas
C) Submarines
D) Nuclear weapons

To find the answer, let's analyze each option:

A) Tanks: Tanks were indeed a new weapon utilized in World War 1. They provided soldiers with armored protection and the ability to maneuver across difficult terrains.

B) Poison gas: Poison gas, including chlorine, mustard gas, and phosgene, was extensively used during World War 1 as a horrific weapon. Its deployment caused devastating casualties and had a significant impact on the conflict.

C) Submarines: Submarines played a significant role in World War 1, particularly in naval warfare. They were used by both the Allies and Central Powers to attack merchant ships, enforce blockades, and engage in naval battles.

D) Nuclear weapons: Nuclear weapons were not utilized during World War 1. The atomic bomb was developed and first used in World War 2, notably in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Based on this analysis, the option that was not a new weapon or method of warfare in World War 1 is D) Nuclear weapons.